So... here it is! After a lot of work, I'm finally able to announce the details about my new EP: the title is "Elsewhere" aaaand... it will be released on Emancipator's own Loci Records on December 10th!!!! Don't know if everyone can understand how much I'm happy about that: I follow Emancipator from his very first release and he's one of my favourite artists ever, his music gave me a lot and helped me to grow (not only as musician) and I'm still one of his biggest fan!! This is a collection of some of my best works, I put a lot of passion while working on that and I feel like I achieved a kind of expression I never managed before.. receiving such beautiful words about my music, straight from one of my favourite artists is one of the best things ever happened in my life and I really can't find the way to express my joy enough just by typing a text!! Thank you everyone for your support, please stay tuned and follow me for more informations about this!
First track off my new EP is "Winter Train" and it's available for free download on XLR8R!! I can't tell how happy I am!!
Link to XLR8R preview here.